Sometimes clients tell me that Structural Integration feels like “The missing link between Physical Therapy and Chiropractic. Like Chiropractors, we work toward aligning the bones. Like Physical Therapists, we educate and prescribe specific movement exercises to support the work experienced during sessions. Structural Integration helps people feel better all over.
The bodywork can begin during a brief assessment at the beginning of each session while you are standing or sitting. Working in gravity is a very effective way to see compensation patterns and begin to unwind them.
There will be table work as well that will focus on releasing restriction through slow, relaxing fascial release techniques. Whether you are standing or lying down, I will be queuing you to make small movements while I am doing the fascial work. Client participation greatly increases the effectiveness of the bodywork.
Whether you do one session or the Traditional 10 Series, your physical body will change. During a 10 series, as physical bodies change and become more aligned, there can be subtle shifts in the mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies as well. After completing a 10 Series, clients have reported thinking more clearly, feeling happy and confident with more energy and awareness. The possibilities for change During a 10 Series is profound and can be life changing.
Traditional table clothes are: underwear for men, bra and underwear for women. If you will be more comfortable wearing an extra layer, shorts or a bathing suit will work. A tub top or stretchy bra works the best. Tight bras can be limiting when working on your sides and back.