Much of our chronic pain comes from how we hold ourselves and move throughout the day. The problem is, most people don't how to move or how to have good posture because no-one ever taught them or modled good posture andbody mechanics. For Better or ost people grow up standing and moving like their parents.
Of all the risk factors contributing to chronic pain, posture and gait are the leaders. People who move and stand with good alignment are less at risk for having chronic pain.
Understanding structural alignment is the foundation for creating good movement habits. This workshop will give you guidelines for being in alignment with every move you make.
Modern Human structure evolved over millions of years to walk far and wide to hunt and gather enough food to stay alive. In just the last 10,000 years since we discovered farming, we went from being the best walkers to the absolute worst walkers in all of human history.
We now move way less than any of our ancestors and we have unprecedented chronic pain. I think, sometime, long, long ago, teaching children how to walk well fell off the list of essential teachings.
This workshop will begin to fill in the gait gaps.